Saturday, July 10, 2010

The story of the Star of the West

There was another little country schoolhouse south and about a mile east called Star of the East which was on the east line of Nodaway County. Back in those days little country schoolhouses were on average one or two miles apart, so our school was west of the Star of the East schoolhouse. It didn't seem logical to call our school Star of the West unless you knew the rest of the story since it too was in the eastern part of the county!

On special occasions and if the weather was nice, the kids from the two schools (usually the 7th and 8th graders) would visit each other and get to do fun things like spelling or arithmetic matches. Some of these things come back to my mind that I had not thought of for ages. Also, during the last week of school, the teacher would take us all out for a walk during noon hour to eat our lunch and pick wild flowers and just enjoy the outdoors.
How we got to school other than walking or horse back: If it was raining or snowing or bitterly cold one, of the neighborhood dads would pick kids up, usually in a high-wheeled wagon. My dad had a horse-drawn sled and if it was snowy he'd take us in that. It was fun as we'd slide along and sometimes he'd let the horses trot and that was MORE fun.
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