I was born November 15th, 1914, on a farm split between Nodaway and Worth counties near Sheridan, Missouri. The doctor that delivered me was "Doc Johnson". I doubt that I ever knew his first name. In those days most folks were either “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, or “Miss” or, in this case, “Dr.” The neighbor lady, Lonie Rickabaugh, was the "nurse" maid. We did call some married ladies by their first names if they were close neighbors or friends.
The farm was 160 acres and was located one mile west and a quarter mile south of Sheridan. The farm had 120 acres in Nodaway County and 40 acres in Worth County. Nodaway County is one of the largest counties in Missouri and Worth County is one of the smallest. But that has nothing to do with my birth unless I become famous!
I weighed almost 5 pounds. I was a runt.
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