Monday, February 14, 2011

To celebrate my 50th Blog Posting: What I Think About This Blogging and Computer Business

The idea of ever owning a computer had never entered my mind until Nancy mentioned she had seen an article in a magazine about a computer for seniors. She told Bill about it wondering if “mama” might like one. They agreed to find out about it, and Nancy asked me what I thought. I remember being shocked by her question. I was too old! I might have considered it back in my eighties, but Nancy and Bill sold me on taking a chance so I agreed to "give it a whirl" thinking I wouldn't have to keep it if it didn't work out for me.

They told Wendy and Robert (Bubba) about it. After that Robert got on the Internet and found this one that would be better than the one advertised in the magazine. Nancy and Bill mentioned to John and Judy about getting it for my 95th birthday as a surprise. Wendy and Robert ordered the computer and had it sent to Austin where Robert installed PointerWare. Robert got it all set up and then had FedEx deliver it to my house before Robert and Wendy came so Robert could install it. Mary talked to the person(s) in Savannah who would help getting it connected to the Internet.

It was Wendy and Robert, Nancy and Bill, John and Judy, and Mary who all went in on getting it for my 95th birthday. It was a surprise all right, as the party was in October but my birthday is in November! This was in 2009, and I still have the PointerWare and a nice computer desk from Wendy and Robert.

I will confess that I had not known what a blog was until Bubba asked if I could write something about where I was born and some things I remembered when I was small. After I sent two or three I supposed that would be the end of it. And I said that I had sent the notes for his blog. He quickly fired an email back which read: MY blog? That’s YOUR blog!!! Well I am told that this is Blog Number 50.

I was just wondering: If I am a blogger, is there such a thing as a bloggee??

I have really enjoyed this computer. It has so many things that I haven't begun to get a pinch of the things it will do. It has Internet, games, and voice mail that I especially like. I can even listen to Bubba's musical band.

Thanks Bubba!

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  1. Gladys,
    You certainly destroyed the myth that you “can’t teach old dogs new tricks.”

  2. What a nice perspective to think of your 80s as your younger years! -wendy

  3. I Love you Aunt Gladys! I so hope I am as willing to accept new things when I am as young as you are!

    Love you so much!
    Rose (Fisher) Welch
