My thoughts and feelings toward Elvis were rather mixed. I liked hearing him sing. I remember a few of them: "You Ain’t Nothin’ But a Hound Dog", "Love Me Tender", and others that I can't recall unless someone mentions them. However, I didn't like watching him once performers were shown below the waist on T.V.: that was too much. At least I thought so, so I probably missed out on a lot of his shows during those times.
However, some time later after listening to the story of his life and the struggles he had with drugs after he became famous, I changed my thoughts about him. Down deep, I think, Elvis was a caring, kind, and generous person. It showed in the way he treated those who were less fortunate.
Elvis put a lot of feeling in any type of song whether it was pop, gospel, or country, and I can truly say that I loved his singing. Other favorites that he sang were "Amazing Grace", "An Evening Prayer", and "How Great Thou Art".
I was lucky enough to get to see his Graceland place. It was in the mid 70s when my sister-in-law, Grace, invited me to go on a trip with her and her daughter, Rose, and a college friend, Mary Lou. We went to Brownsville,Texas, to visit my sister and husband, Janice and Bill Girard, then some other places. New Orleans for one where we toured several interesting places on the Gulf Coast. We toured the Super Dome and saw the football stadium.
Rose remembered one incident that happened where we stopped to eat breakfast one morning. I asked if they had bran cereal. The waitress replied that they had “risin bran” but none of us could understand what she was saying until we guessed it was “raisin bran”. I can imagine that I was "relieved"!
Getting back to Elvis: I imagine God has a Mansion for him Up Yonder a zillion times more wonderful than the one he had Down Here.
Quite a different viewpoint from may people. Keep your thoughts coming.
I loved this spring break Gladys! It was all fun! Some of my very best memories!